CBWO Membership Application Form:
Congress of Black Women, Ontario Region
Join an organization that is working to enhance the lives of Black women.

With a focus on our mission to assist Black women and their families, Congress of Black Women Ontario volunteer members are committed to uplifting and building a strong community. We collaborate to deliver events, programs, and workshops in our communities where there is a chapter. Several of our programs focus on wellness and education.
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Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number

Tell us about yourself and your background. Brief introduction and share relevant personal or professional experiences.

Why are you interested in becoming a member of our organization?

In what ways do you believe our organization's mission aligns with your personal values and aspirations as a Black woman?

What skills or experiences can you bring to our community?

Have you engaged with CBWO before, such as attending events? If so, how?
What are your thoughts on building and nurturing mentor and mentee relationships?

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for activities or projects that our community chapter could undertake? 

Our organization strongly emphasizes community engagement, especially with women and youth. How would you contribute to fostering a sense of empowerment and growth with these groups?

Anything else you would like us to know?

Which chapter would you be interested in joining? 

Are you interested in subscribing to our mailing list?
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