C2C Application Form (2024/2025)
We, at Purdue SWE (PSWE), understand the financial commitment to a National SWE membership as such we are sponsoring 50 student's College 2 Career (C2C) membership valued at $50 each. This scholarship is geared towards any freshman who shows interest and commitment to PSWE, but it is open to all years including graduate students. We ask that scholarship winners give back to PSWE as much as possible, in ways such as attending meetings, being a SWEetmate, joining committees, or volunteering!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Anna Isaacson (aisaacso@purdue.edu), on Slack or by email.
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Name (First and Last) *
Purdue Email *
Year *
Major (If in FYE, please format as "FYE - 'Intended Major') *
In less than 300 words, please state why you want this scholarship and how you hope to contribute back to Purdue SWE. 
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