Program Application

Thank you for your interest in the Magnetic Marketing Bootcamp! This is where the journey towards transforming your business begins. Your decision to fill out this application shows that you're ready to take action and make meaningful strides towards a thriving business that resonates with your goals.

Why This Application Matters

Your answers here help me understand your unique business goals, needs and current struggles. This isn't about fitting you into a pre-made plan; it's about tailoring this journey to your dreams. Every response you provide gives me insight into how I can best support you in your quest for authentic, sustainable business growth.

What's Next?

Once you submit your application, I'll personally review it and get back to you within 24 hours with the next steps. This isn't an automated process; I'm genuinely invested in helping you. So expect a personal message from me outlining what comes next.

Experience Working Together

My coaching approach is all about being approachable, welcoming and nonjudgmental. Think of it as having a dedicated thinking partner who's genuinely excited about your business's success. We'll work together to craft strategies that resonate with you, ensuring that you feel empowered every step of the way.

Ready to dive in? Answer the questions below to make those first strides toward building an authentic, sustainable business. Your journey deserves nothing less.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What is your business email address?
What is your main reason for wanting to work with me?
Have you gotten business and marketing support before? What did that look like? What worked and what didn't work for you?
What is your biggest frustration around growing your business? What would your life look like if we could solve that frustration?
What is prompting you to seek help with marketing and business growth right now?
Is there anything else you want to share about you or your business?
For accreditation purposes do you give permission for me to supply your name and email to the International Coaching Federation if requested. No other information will be provided and it would be used only to audit my coaching hours. *
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