Re-Registration for  Exploring Recovery - May 23rd
***  Due to "Circuit Breaker" installation, we've had to re-schedule this workshop, from Apr 18th, to May 23rd.  The new date is still tentative to authorities allowing the resumption of activities. ***

This is a workshop to help persons in recovery from a mental health condition, to recognize and cope with the recovery process.  Priority given to peers and caregivers.

 - explore what recovery means to you
 - understand there are different forms of recovery
 - identify what may help and what may not be helpful in your recovery journey

Timing : 930am - 1230pm
Venue: Apex Building, 201 Henderson Road, #07-25
*Registration for May 23rd will be closing by May 18th.

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Mobile #: *
1. I want to attend Exploring Recovery Workshop on this date (Please choose one only): *
2. Any other things you would like to share?
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