Clark Black Alumni Association Interest Form
In the last few years, the Clark Black Alumni Association (CBAA) has begun forming at Clark University, built around shared experiences, interests, and connections. We aim to affirm, enrich, and serve the Black experience at and beyond the University. Through events that make connections and networks across generations, with the objective to support the development and growth of the institution's Black alumni.

Sign up for the mailing list below, fill out your interest in a particular goal of the group, and include any event ideas you may have.  
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Class year (e.g. 2000, '00, or 00/01, if multiple degrees) *
Do you identify as Black?
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Interested in a deeper involvement in the group? 

We would love to hear if you have a particular area of interest / goal that resonates with you, or an idea for an event / engagement opportunity. 
If you have an event / engagement idea, please describe below. This could include possible venues to host an event, ideas for speakers, topics, etc. 
Thank you for taking the time to submit this information to us! 
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