Statement of Interest: Durham Youth Climate Justice Initiative
If you are interested in joining the Durham Youth Climate Justice Initiative, fill out this form below! We work to make a more inclusive climate movement by creating an intentional space for young people of color. Environmental justice for us means examining racism, heterosexism, xenophobia, hypercarceration, and so much more. Please note that we only accept young people ages 13-24.

No previous knowledge on Environmental Justice is required.

We should get back to you within 2-3 business days!
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Name and Pronouns? *
Best method of contact? *
Email Address? *
Phone Number? (We typically use a group chat to communicate) *
Racial Identity? You can mark more than one.
Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Asexual, Androgynous, Two-Spirit)
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Can you speak any other languages besides English? If so, please list. If not, write N/A. *
Do you have steady access to Internet and a device? If not, we may be able to loan something for you. *
We offer a limited number of paid positions per year (stipend of $10 per meeting) and volunteer positions. We cannot guarantee a paid position throughout the year. If you do not have a significant financial need, we encourage you to apply as a volunteer. *
Would like to stay updated on DYCJI events?
Are you currently in school? if so, which school and what grade are you in? if not in school, put N/A and your age. *
Which days are you available to meet? Remember you can check multiple boxes. *
What times are you most flexible to meet? *
What social justice/environmental justice issues are you interested in? *
What skills/experiences do you want to get out of joining DYCJI? *
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