Hira Sameer Ahmed - Survey 2020
Thank you for choosing to help me and taking the time out to share your thoughts with me. It will help me in focusing better and provide you with valuable content moving forward.
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What are your current struggles when it comes to building a creative work and life practice? *
What's the one thing that you would like help with? *
Which of the following topics interests you and you actively search, read or listen? (Select all that apply) *
What's the offering you wish someone would create? Something that you are craving in your creative work and life right now? *
What free content would you like more of from me? (Select all that apply) *
What kind of "how-to" content would you like me to create? *
What paid offerings would you like from me? (Select all that apply) *
What are your favourite sources of inspiration and information? *
What is your favourite thing about what I do? What would you like more of? *
Not a question, but use code THANKYOU2020 for 10% off on all the products and offerings that I will launch in 2020 :)
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