PLE Greater Princeton Branch Youth Teacher Volunteer Application Form
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Email *
Welcome to Princeton Learning Experience International School (PLE) Youth Leadership Program!
Princeton Learning Experience International School is a NJ Education Department registered K-12 Nonprofit International School to help children to learn and develop advanced academic & communication skills via online workshops and communication media.

The PLE Youth Leadership Program started in 2015 and has attracted many passionate youths to volunteer their time and talents to younger kids in the PLE community. PLE will continuously provide a supportive and positive working environment in which youth have the opportunity to develop leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence, personal growth and social intelligence. We greatly appreciate our youth's contributions and their parents' dedicated support, which make the program a successful and popular one!

For more information, please contact:
PLE Youth Leadership Program Director
Phone: 609-356-3881

For more branch specific information, please contact:
Discord: themis7

Full Name *
Grade *
Phone Number *
Discord Username *
Example: themis7
Discord is our primary communication platform, so please create an account if you don't have one.
School Name *
County/State/Country *
Example: Somerset County/NJ/United States
Youth Teacher's PLE Email (if assigned)
Parent Phone Number *
Parent email *
FOR PARENTS: Media Release Agreement & Liability Waiver-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I grant permission for my child to participate and appear in video or audio recordings, films, photographs, written articles, or on websites and social media sites.  My consent includes the use of editing of my child’s image, voice, or name, and the use, editing and release to media outlets. Princeton Learning Experience International School is not liable for any damages to property or persons for the duration of its courses. I agree that I will not hold Princeton Learning Experience responsible for any harm that may arise from such reproduction. *
PLE uses G Suite as education system. PLE will set up G Suite Education account for youth teachers in Princeton Learning Experience International School educational programs. Youth Teachers agree to use PLE G Suite account for PLE course work and school educational communication only. Parents give permission for their children(youth teachers) to be assigned a Princeton Learning Experience International School G Suite for Education account. This means youth teacher will receive an account with access to Google Drive Applications, Calendar, Classroom and selected apps. *
Parent Agreement
A parent/guardian must sign below, expressing agreement for the participation of the applicant in our virtual form of volunteering. All volunteer work will take place on the Zoom platform. By signing, you state that you have read, understand, and agree to the guidelines above.
Parent Signature *
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