Welcome to Princeton Learning Experience International School (PLE) Youth Leadership Program!
Princeton Learning Experience International School is a NJ Education Department registered K-12 Nonprofit International School to help children to learn and develop advanced academic & communication skills via online workshops and communication media.
The PLE Youth Leadership Program started in 2015 and has attracted many passionate youths to volunteer their time and talents to younger kids in the PLE community. PLE will continuously provide a supportive and positive working environment in which youth have the opportunity to develop leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence, personal growth and social intelligence. We greatly appreciate our youth's contributions and their parents' dedicated support, which make the program a successful and popular one!
For more information, please contact:
PLE Youth Leadership Program Director
Phone: 609-356-3881
sandraj@pleonline.orgFor more branch specific information, please contact:
amyl@pleonline.orgDiscord: themis7