Light After Loss: Peer Support Group
Aubrey’s Advocate, Inc. and Noelle’s Light have joined forces to create an 8-week program that is designed to help support those navigating grief after the loss of their child in the first 8-12 weeks following their death. This group is for mom's who experienced a loss after 30 weeks gestation through a NICU stay.

Your group will consist of 6-8 other loss moms. We will meet for 60-90 minutes once a week via zoom. We ask that you commit to this 8 week journey and plan to be available each week during our tenure as it is impertinent.

Our next group will begin Spring 2024.

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Your Email Address *
Your Phone Number *
Your Child's Name and Birthday *
Your Child's Story? (age, cause of death, any fetal diagnosis or complications, etc) *
City/State that you live in? (needed for timezone, etc)  *
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