PMWC 2020 Award Nomination Form
The PMWC Luminary Award recognizes recent contributions of preeminent figures who have accelerated personalized medicine into the clinical marketplace.

The PMWC Pioneer Award is given to rare individuals who presaged the advent of personalized medicine when less evolved technology and encouragement from peers existed, but still made major advances in the field.

If you know of an individual who fits one of these descriptions, please nominate them below:
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Nominee Name *
Nominee Affiliation *
Choose which award do you nominate them for: *
Descriptions of Awards can be found at the top of the form.
Please explain how the Nominee has contributed to Precision Medicine in recent years that has enabled an acceleration of the field that has resulted in improvement of heath and/or extension of life: *
Limited to 250 words.
Please include any links to information that you feel will help us learn more about the nominee’s contributions:
Nominated by Name:
Nominated by Email:
Nominated by Company:
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