Earthquake Terms Assessment
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A method of indirectly measuring distance by creating an imaginary triangle between an observer and an object whose distance away is to be estimated. *
1 point
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Where the earthquake starts (the place where the rock breaks beneath the surface of the Earth) *
1 point
A device that records ground movements caused by seismic waves as they move through Earth
1 point
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vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake *
1 point
This is the breakage of rocks, volcanic eruptions, or man-made explosions *
1 point
The type of wave shown is... *
1 point
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A scale that rates earthquakes according to the amount of damage they cause at a particular place *
1 point
A scale that rates earthquakes according to the amount of energy released by an earthquake *
1 point
A longitudinal seismic wave. *
1 point
A scientist who studies earthquakes *
1 point
A transverse seismic wave. *
1 point
Which of the following images describes a secondary wave? *
1 point
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