Feedback for DoppelAudio
This is completely anonymous; your feedback, suggestions, and criticism are welcome.
يمكنك تسجيل الدخول إلى Google لحفظ مستوى التقدم. مزيد من المعلومات
Where did you find me?
محو التحديد
Was there a particular audio you liked that you'd like to see more of? A script you'd like me to fill? A favourite tag that you particularly like? Something different you'd like to hear? Whatever your thoughts are, I'd like to hear. The form is anonymous so if you're asking a question that requires a response, make sure to include some way to get in touch (reddit username, email, etc.)
محو النموذج
عدم إرسال كلمات المرور عبر نماذج Google مطلقًا.
لم يتم إنشاء هذا المحتوى ولا اعتماده من قِبل Google. الإبلاغ عن إساءة الاستخدام - شروط الخدمة - سياسة الخصوصية