PTBI's Find Your Way Back Program- Application Form
Please ensure your answers are thorough and clear. We want to get a sense of who you are, and your experience as this is an intensive work placement that involves effective communication and participation. 

Please note our optional international leg of the program will be taking place in Westmoreland, Jamaica in July 2025.  Visit for details on our camp in Jamaica! 

If you have any questions/concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to
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Name *
Email *
Age *
School and Last level of Schooling Completed 

Example: "Toronto Metropolitan University, 2nd year" 
Ethnicity/Cultural Background *
Have you heard of The Power to Be International before? *
Why do you want to participate in Find Your Way Back? *
What are you hoping to learn from the program? *
Have you worked with children (ages 4-16) before? If so, what was your role? *
Have you ever visited the Caribbean and/or countries in Africa before? What was your experience like? What did you notice? *
Are you interested in our international portion of the program that will take place in Jamaica in 2025? *
IF YES TO ABOVE: The total cost of participating in the 2-week program in Jamaica is approx. $4200. Will you be joining our fundraising efforts in order to cover your trip? *
Thank you for completing the application!  If you meet the criteria, someone will be in touch to set up a screening meeting with you! Please note this is a paid position that runs from Aug 2024 - June 2025. Selected participants must be commit to the duration of the program!  Looking forward to meeting you!    PTBI Team :) 
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