Show Choir Singer/Dancer Audition Form
Please complete the following form in order to try-out for the groups. In order to be in By Request you must also be a part of the Vocal Ensemble group.
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Student Last name *
Student's First Name *
Street Address *
Zip Code *
Student's Cell Phone *
Student's Email Address *
Student's Current Grade Level *
Student's Current Voice Part *
Auditioning for Which Group(s) *
Parents Names ( First and Last) *
Example - Bill and Tracey Strong or Bill Strong and Tracey Meuller
If parents are in separate households please let us know who is responsible for the fees.
If it is not the same as the address above please add the address below
Primary Parents Email Address *
Secondary Parent Email Address
Mother's Cell Phone *
Father's Cell Phone *
I would like to be a part of the crew if I am not placed in one of the performing groups *
I am planning on being in Vocal Ensemble Next year? *
If you are a returning member. Did you have any attendance issues this year? If so how will you fix that going into the next show choir year> *
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