Mastermind Data Merge Request
Hi! 🫶🏻 Please read all directions as this contains some important info. 

If you have transferred devices, we can merge your previous Mastermind all-time stats to your new phone. To do this, we will need to collect some information from you so we can move your old stats to your new device. (Please note - data cannot be shared between two existing devices (ie: your iPhone and iPad), and can only be merged/transferred when you have switched devices completely. This will bring back your all-time stats, but not individual games if you click in, which are tied to your device).

*Please use your same email address to register for Mastermind on your new device. If you did not do this and need to edit it, this can be changed in Mastermind>>Notification & Settings. 

Merging your data is definitely a priority to us, but please note we get many requests per day to do this. You will be added to our queue to get data merged, and typical turnaround time is 2-3 weeks. You can play on your new device in the meantime and your data will be merged down the road!

All Access
If you purchased All Access on your old device, that purchase will be saved in your Apple Store or Google Play account. You can restore this purchase by clicking ‘Restore Purchase’ on the All Access purchase page.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
How did you reach out to us? *
Please add your email address or social media username you used to contact us if we need to get in contact. *
Email Address Used In Mastermind. This field is case sensitive, so please make sure it is exact. If you aren't sure, go to Settings --> Game Settings and copy the email exactly from that screen. *
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