Nonprofit Digital Maturity Survey
Is your nonprofit organization ready for scale? Is your organization digitally mature? Are your systems set up to drive efficiency and radically better client outcomes? Fill out this short survey to see where your organization stands on the roadmap to efficiency and receive recommendations on how to get there.  

Submit your responses for a chance to win a $100 donation for your favorite charity. We'll randomly draw one lucky winner, every quarter. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name 
Last Name 
Organization Name
What program and service types do you offer? 
Select all the apply to your organization. 
Does your organization have a theory of change that connects its programs and services with the community issues you are addressing? 
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Does your organization have an “eliminate paper” initiative (or something similar)?
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Do you have productivity tools that allow you to save time and be effective?
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Does your organization have a client/case management system? 
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Do you have effective online assessment tools?
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Are you able to easily refer people who are not a good fit for your program to other programs?
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Do you have real-time reports and dashboards that drive decision-making?
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If the ideal state of your work is digitized and consolidated —streamlining client interactions and allowing staff to work on impactful outcomes —how close is your organization to this ideal?*
Not very close
Very close
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What best describes the tools/technology your organization is using to manage client outcomes? 
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How common is it for departments to share technology platforms? 
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In general, how prepared is your organization to quickly adapt and scale operations when needs increase or funding becomes available? 
Not very prepared
Very prepared
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Do you have a technology plan or roadmap and an appropriate budget to support it? 
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