FPC Men's Bible Study - The Book of James
I'm delighted that you're interested in being a participant in the 6-week Men's Bible study on the book of James! I believe that you will be blessed in more ways than you expect by leaning in and pursuing God through this opportunity. Please take a moment answering the questions below to help me better understand the time and format that will work best for those interested.

What to expect:
You can expect to have a time set aside each week where you have the opportunity to grow in your understanding of the Bible and deepen your relationship with God and other men from FPC. Our meetings will be one our on Sunday's, and you can expect to spend around an hour on your prior to the meetings with your Bible and study guide.

We will meet on Sunday's at 8am via Zoom beginning on May 2nd. If you can't make every meeting, please don't let that deter you from participating in this group.

As mentioned above, in addition to using the Bible, each group member will need the study guide The Book of James Study Bible Study by Rose Visual Bible Studies. This book is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle for $11.99. If you will need technical or financial assistance in getting the study guide, please let me know as I'm happy to help.

April 18: The Test of Trials (James 1:1-27)
April 25 The Test of Favoritism (James 2:1-13
May 2: The Test of Good Works (James 2:14-26)
May 9: The Test of Speech (James 3:1-12)
May 16: The Test of Relationships (James 3:13-5:6)
May 23: The Test of Prayer (James 5:7-20)

Ezrah Schmeelk, Director of Student Ministry

Link to the study guide on Amazon.com:
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