Downtown Brockville BIA Award Nomination  Rising Star Award
Rising Star Award

Description: Recognizes a new business (less than 5 years old) that has shown exceptional promise and growth potential.


  • Innovation: Introduces new ideas, products, or services that enhance the business and community.

  • Growth: Demonstrates significant growth in revenue, customer base, or employee count.

  • Community Involvement: Actively participates in and supports community events and initiatives.

  • Future Potential: Shows strong potential for continued success and impact within the community.

Please note the business or business person nominated must be located within the Downtown Brockville BIA! 

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Nominator Information 

Nominator First & Last Name
Nominator Information 

Nominator Email Address
Nominator Information 

Nominator Phone Number

Nominee Information

Nominee First & Last Name
In a paragraph, tell us why you think your nominee should be recognized for the Rising Star Award. The more details the better!
Please provide details on the nominee and how they actively support & participate in community events and initiatives.


Please provide details on the nominee and how they introduce new ideas, products, or services that enhance the business and/or community.

Please provide details on how the nominee demonstrates significant growth in revenue, customer base, or employee count.

Please provide details on how the nominee shows strong potential for continued success and impact within the community.

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