GNDU Examinations December 2021 (DAV College, Jalandhar) - Re-appear case students

1. Students must carefully fill their University Roll Number, Name, Class, Email Address and working phone number (with WhatsApp facility). No other chance will be given for changing the data once entered.

2. The students will receive a confirmatory email on their specified email address on 25-01-2022 for Mock examination. The students must reply to the email received to confirm the working of email address.

3. The question papers will be sent on the confirmed email address only and the answer sheets have to be sent from that confirmed email address only as  per the university guidelines. The answer sheets sent from any other email address will NOT be accepted.

4. Students are advised to go through the University guidelines sent earlier on their respective WhatsApp groups for the smooth, problem-free examination.

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Email *
University Roll Number *
College Roll No.
Name *
Father Name *
Class *
Phone Number (Calling) *
Phone Number (WhatsApp) *
You can repeat the calling number here if it is also used for WhatsApp.
I solemnly declare and affirm as under: *
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