Bible Doctrine II
Session 4 Quiz
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Three attributes of personality exhibited by the Holy Spirit include Intelligence, Feelings, and Will. *
The Holy Spirit cannot be grieved since He is God and God cannot be grieved. *
The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can still be committed today. *
Which chapter tells us that both Christ and the Holy Spirit intercede to the Father on the believer's behalf? *
The Holy Spirit is God. *
The Holy Spirit's ministry of conviction of sin in Rob's life as a kid had a lot to do with chocolate. *
The Holy Spirit's involvement in Christ's conception was to provide the divine nature whereas Mary's part involved providing the human nature. *
Which verse speaks to the Holy Spirit's involvement in the inspiration of Scripture? *
John 14:16 says, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever."  The word 'another' means 'another of the same kind'. *
The Holy Spirit will still have the ministry of testifying of Christ in heaven throughout all eternity. *
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