The Schoolbag Project - Request a Schoolbag
If you are requesting a schoolbag for yourself or someone else, please fill out this form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

For email address please put the active email address you would like to be contacted by. If you are requesting a backpack on behalf of someone else, but would like us to directly contact you, rather than the recipient, please put your email address.

Backpack requests for eligible individuals are approved on a first come first serve basis.
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Email *
Name: *
How many (#) backpacks do you require? *
Age(s) of backpack recipient(s): *
How many (#) of the requested backpacks require menstrual care (if any)? *
Is the request for yourself or on the behalf of someone else? *
If this backpack is for someone else (e.g. your child), please write a description of your request (including your relationship to the recipient(s) and the level of schooling for the recipient(s) of this schoolbag).
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