SCA Academy at Medieval Fair 2017
The SCA Academy is a new feature in the Ansteorran Embassy at Medieval Fair this year! We will have a tent with a quiet-ish dedicated space for short "SCA 101" type classes, and also any other short-form presentations or workshops people would like to hold.  

About the SCA-101 thing:  This is basically a chance to talk to interested people about what the SCA really is like, from how we have all different kinds of events (guild activities, weekend events, wars), to the history of the group and how to get the most of the SCA as a family.  This isn't something you need to do much preparation for, beyond thinking about what thoughts you'd like to share.  I'm hoping to offer these sessions a couple of times each day of the fair.

Most of the time slots in the Academy will be about 20 minutes, so you can help out without a big time commitment!

Please use this form to let me know how you'd like to participate, and give me an idea of what times are best for you.  

In Service,

Kersten Merilainen
(Sara Day)
SCA Academy Coordinator
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