Volunteer Application Form
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering for OC Has a Heart. Vegas Has a Heart is dedicated to providing ECG screenings to young athletes in our community to help detect potential heart conditions early. Our event relies on the generous support of volunteers to operate successfully. As a volunteer, you will play a crucial role in conducting these screenings.

You must be 18 or older to volunteer.

Dress Code
We will provide a volunteer staff shirt upon arrival. Please wear black pants and we recommend you to bring a bag to put all of your belongings in.

You will have one of the following jobs:

1. ECG Technician/ Cardea 20/20 Operator 
* Note: prior experience or knowledge about placing electrodes and operating the CARDEA 20/20 ECG device is not required for volunteering at this event. A brief, 15-minute training session will be provided on-site to ensure all volunteers are comfortable and prepared to assist effectively.  
2. Registration Staff 
3. Directional Staff 
4. Information Desk Staff 
5. CPR Area Staff 
6. Floor Staff 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Shirt Size *
Email Address *
Mobile Number *
Which job do you prefer? *
How did you hear about us? *

Please acknowledge the below:

I understand and agree that I am voluntarily participating in the heart screening event for young athletes. I acknowledge the potential risks involved in this activity. I release any liability, claims, or demands arising out of my participation in this event. I understand that I am not an employee and will not be entitled to any compensation or benefits. By volunteering, I confirm that I am physically able to participate and willingly assume any potential risks associated with my involvement.

All volunteers are expected to keep any and all health information they come in contact with CONFIDENTIAL. WWPF expects a high level of professionalism and respect in all areas of our events.

During the event, you may be photographed and videotaped. By your consent here, the photo, video, or interview may be shared for use with newspapers, television or social media.

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