FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE on EduLab session 4 carried between February 2022 - May 2022
This study aims to analyze the satisfaction and impact of Educational Laboratory's work with particular regard to knowledge and understandings of SDGs (sustainability-related directions), and social, civic and digital skills related to the contribution to sustainable business growth.

This study is performed under the project No. 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063059, Stepping-up and promoting Education & Innovation toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Educational Laboratory for Accelerating civic Skills and sustainable Businesses – EduLab4Future, Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020.
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1. From which university are you from: *
2. Your gender is: *
3. Select your current higher education specialization: *
4. You are enrolled in: *
1. Please, mark how do you appreciate the following aspects, considering the following scale of agreement: *
1 - Strong disagreement
2 -Disagreement
3 -Neither agree nor disagree
4 - Agreement
5 - Strong agreement
The relevance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) topics against your learning needs
The usefulness of objectives of the courses
The structure of the courses for the whole period
Communication with participants
The organisation of activities, in general
Announcement/promotion of the course
Information on objectives of the course
Quality of course and learning material
Visual aids used during the courses
Availability of course material
Relationship and team work during the learning activities
2. How do you appreciate (considering the following scale of satisfaction bellow)? *
1 - Unsatisfactory
2 - Satisfactory
3 - Don’t know
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
Teaching material and learning resources for Economic performance
Teaching material and learning resources for Social performance
Teaching material and learning resources for Environmental performance
Practical exercises and applications on Economic performance
Practical exercises and applications on Social performance
Practical exercises and applications on Environment
The volume of information exposed during the event
The workload of learning activities
The level of complexity for the topics presented
3. Please rate to which degree the following learning outcomes were achieved (on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest) *
1 - Not at all achieved
2 - Not achieved
3 - Somewhat extent
4 - Achieved
5 - Fully achieved
Gain new insights on Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs
Learn new techniques to solve sustainability issues and problems
Improve the learning skills
Solve problems in teams
Combine knowledge and draw up conclusions on sustainability-related directions (Economic, Social, Environmental)
Gain new experience
Improve self-confidence, motivation and initiatives
Exercise entrepreneurship and develop digital and civic skills
Learn to innovatively resolve responsibility issues in doing business
IMPACT ASSESSMENT – measure the degree of changes in values, attitudes, expectations and skills.
SECTION I. Respondents’ Evaluation of Values
1. Mark how do you appreciate the following values for your own personal life fulfilment (considering the following scale of importance): *
1 - Not at all important
2 - Rather not important
3 - Indifferent
4 - Rather important
5 - Very important
The respect for human rights and freedoms (i.e. dignity, equality, solidarity, justice, citizen's rights, etc.)
The respect for fundamental EU freedoms (i.e. free movement of goods, capital, services, and labor)
Valuing cultural diversity
Democracy in the society
Social justice
Fairness of educational/working systems
The principles of equality and solidarity
Gender equality
The rule of law
SECTION II. Awareness about SDGs
1) Are you aware about the United Nations 2030 Agenda  with respect to Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs?
Rather unknown
Rather known
SDG1. No poverty (end poverty in all its form everywhere)
SDG2. Zero hunger (achieve food security, improve nutrition and sustainable agriculture)
SDG3. Good health and well-being (healthy lives for all at all ages)
SDG4. Quality education (inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all)
SDG5. Gender equality (achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls)
SDG6. Clean water and sanitation (ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all)
SDG7. Affordable and clean energy (ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all)
SDG8. Decent work and economic growth (sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all)
SDG9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure (build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation)
SDG 10. Reduced inequalities (reduce inequalities within and among countries)
SDG11. Sustainable cities and communities (make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)
SDG12. Responsible consumption and production (ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns)
SDG13. Climate action (take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts)
SDG14. Life below water (conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources)
SDG15. Life on land (protect and sustainable use terrestrial ecosystems, forests, etc.)
SDG16. Peace, justice and strong institutions (peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice for all, build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels)
SDG17. Partnerships for the Goals (strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for Sustainable Development)
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1. Which of the following actions would you prefer to improve your level of knowledge related to SDGs (sustainability-related directions) - considering the following scale of preference? *
1 - Absolutely not
2- Rather not
3 - Indifferent
4 - Rather prefer
5 - Certainly prefer
Being involved in companies’ internships on the topics of sustainability
Learning through project-based collaborative work with other students
Learning through study cases solved in teamwork
Learning through study cases solved individual
Attending to workshops with practitioners on different sustainability-related subjects
Attending to debates on different sustainability-related subjects
Self-learning through content research on best practices in sustainability-related subjects
Exchange of experience and transnational teaching and learning activities with other students on different sustainability-related subjects
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The EduLab4Future team
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