Feedback Form
Rate your experiences and share your thoughts to help me grow and improve. And perhaps you'll be a lucky winner: Every 10th person will receive a ยฃ20 voucher to be used on any booking of my services.
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Preparation and Communication
Were the class schedules and availability convenient for you? *
Add your thoughts and suggestions (optional):
How satisfied were you with the planning and communication prior to the class/trip?
We'd love to hear your comments (optional):

Were the class sizes appropriate for your learning experience?

Let us know your thoughts (optional):
Did you feel safe and well-supported? *
Please share your experiences (optional):
Knowledge, Expertise, Quality of Coaching
How would you rate the knowledge and expertise of your instructor? *
Share your thoughts here (optional):
How would you rate the quality of our coaching skills?
Tell us more (optional):
Did you get any coaching advise, technique tips or other input that significantly contributed to your progress?
Accessibility and Inclusion

I aim to ensure that everyone feels welcome to participate, regardless of their gender identity, race, socioeconomic background, disability, or any other factors that may create obstacles to participation. Please answer the question in this section if you feel they apply to you.

What nature are the obstacles to participation that you experience?
Please specify (optional):
Did you feel welcome and supported?
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Can you tell us how (optional)?
Did the instructor/coach give everyone the required attention and support?
Please share your experiences:
How could we make our service more accessible and inclusive (optional)?
Would you recommend our rock climbing and coaching classes to others? *
What would you tell them?
Please share any suggestions or ideas you have for enhancing the overall experience of our rock climbing activities.
That's it! Thank you so much! I may use your responses as testimonials to inspire others.
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