WKI Interfaith Program & Luncheon RSVP
Intolerance in America: Is History Repeating Itself? A Historical Perspective with Personal Reflections ~ Wednesday, May 11, 2022 promptly at 11am
In-person and Virtual: www.KenesethIsrael.org/Stream 
Luncheon following in-person program. RSVP BELOW BY MAY 6!
8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Questions? Contact Diane Miller @ 215-464-1381
Kindly donate non-perishables (No pork, shellfish, or nuts) to support KI's community dinners for the food insecure. www.kenesethisrael.org/event/wki-annual-interfaith-program-intolerance-in-america-is-history-repeating-itself-a-historical-perspective-with-personal-reflections/
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