Jason Baker Team Listing Survey
Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the job of selling your property. If you could please fill out the following questions so that I can be professionally prepared for our listing appointment/consult, that would be awesome (and helpful). These questions will help me pull comparable sales and put together the perfect plan to sell your property, as every property is unique. It will help us better serve you and ensure that we net you the most amount of money.  In 2023 we were able to help 126 families realize the goal of buying or selling a property. Personally we sold more residential listings than any other agent out of the 2600 agents in our entire MLS (Western 1/3 of the state) I do not say this to impress you, but rather to impress upon you, that our marketing plan works, as the proof is always in the pudding.  Our team of 11 professionals is here to serve you and we all thank you for the opportunity. Lastly, I realize we have gone over some of these things already, however, my staff will receive a copy of this and it's important that nothing gets lost in translation. Thanks! - 406-552-4443 if you should need to call prior to our appointment.
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How did you hear about the Jason Baker Team?
Prior to now, have you been receiving any correspondence (market reports, listing alerts, mailers, emails, texts, prior appts) from any agent on the Jason Baker Team?  We ask this out of fairness to the work someone may already have done on your behalf as we are a team, its quite ok to let us know :). *
1. If yes above, what agent were you working with, if you can remember? 
2. If no above, who have you spoken to most recently or speaking with now?
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