P.H.A.S.E. 1 Youth Basketball League Registration
Welcome to the P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy Indoor Youth Leagues — where talent meets opportunity! Our leagues cater to young, aspiring basketball players aged 13-21, providing a dynamic platform for growth, competition, and skill refinement.

Age Divisions: Boys U16 and U21

Durations: Fall 5 Months (20 games), Spring 5 months (20 games)

Days: Sundays 11am-3pm


Montego Bay - Montego Bay Community College

Kingston - UWI Bowl

Gold Division

Cost: $13,000 per season 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Player Full Name *
Player Email *
Player Phone Number *
Player Age *
Your Age Eligibility  *
Player School *
Player Home Address *
Parent Full Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
What is your basketball skill experience? *
What is your jersey size? *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Which season location are you registering for? *
Do you have medical insurance?


Parental Permission For Emergency Treatment

In the event of illness or accident, I give permission for my child (myself) to receive emergency treatment by qualified medical personnel for my child, and I authorize the person in charge to take my child to:

I give consent for the facility to secure any and all necessary emergency medical care for my child.

Name of Physician / Emergency Medical Care Facility
Release of Liability

Although the safety of all sport activities is the primary concern, indoor sport activities at Sport Center's facilities may cause injuries and/or death. I expressly assume the risk of injury, death, and/or illness arising from any cause, and agree to waive the right to pursue any claim against the Sport Center and the persons in charge.

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I have read and agree to the above conditions
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Individual Player Fees

Cost: $13,000 per season

$1,500 JMD - Game Reversible

Select form of payment below. 

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Form of Payment
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Individual Player Fees

Cost: $13,000 per season

Select form of payment below. 

Once completed contact you will be contacted by our administrator to confirm registration and payment

Dawkins Sports Management limited
Name of Bank: National Commercial Bank Ja. Ltd
Branch Name: Constant Spring Financial Centre
Branch Address: 124-126 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8
Bank Account #:
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331502146 (JMD) Chequing   
334654451 (USD)SAVINGS
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