Farm and Food Business Update
If you are a farmer, brewer, grocer, restauranteur, farmers' market manager, or otherwise involved in local food systems in Southeastern Massachusetts or adjacent areas, this survey is for you! Please fill out this brief form (no more than 5 minutes) to update SEMAP on your farm business. This information will be published in our annual Local Food Guide, on our website, and on state food-finding websites. If you have questions about where this information ends up, please email
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What is your business's name? *
What is your business's physical address? *
Please include street and town/city name. Ex. 123 Main St, Town
Do you want your business address listed publicly? *
What is your business's zip code? *
Are you a SEMAP business member? *
If you would like more information about the benefits and process of SEMAP membership, visit
What is your business's phone number? *
Do you want your business phone number listed publicly? *
What is your business's email address? *
Do you want your business email listed publicly? *
What is your business's website (if any)?
Which of the following does your business ACTIVELY use?
Which of the following best describes your farm business? *
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This form was created inside of Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership. Report Abuse