「樂‧融‧榮」社區音樂會(屯門) - 免費門票登記
Music Integrates Community Concert
The Tung Foundation and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Proudly Support

時間:3:00pm 及 8:00pm
地點:屯門大會堂演奏廳 Tuen Mun Town Hall Auditorium
指揮:周熙杰 Chew Hee Chiat
演出:一舖清唱 Yat Po Singers
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領取晚上8時正門票數量 Request No. of Tickets for 8:00pm session: *
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您提供的以上個人資料會用作訂購音樂會門票、申請中樂摯友會及與香港中樂團的溝通渠 道,本樂團將透過以上途徑通知您有關本樂團的最新資訊、優惠及推廣訊息。如日後您希 望更改或取消接收任何由本樂團發出的最新資訊(包括直接銷售)等,請以書面或電話通 知本樂團。
地址:香港皇后大道中 345 號上環市政大廈 7 樓香港中樂團電話 3185 1600

The personal data that you supply will be used for the subscription of concert tickets and the application for Friends of HKCO, and for the communication, contacts and the promotion of latest information, programmes, events, discount and offers through the above stated channels. You can make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further information (including direct marketing materials) by sending a written unsubscribe request to the following address or contact the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra as stated below.
Address: 7/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 3185 1600 l Fax:2815 5615
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