What types of interests does your child have. Please check all that apply. *
What triggers or dysrgulates your child? *
Any new behaviors? *
What motivates your child currently? How do you facilitate your child's participation in activities (e.g. reward system, incentives)? *
Your answer
Are there any activities that help regulate your child? Check all that apply. *
How do you know when your child needs a break? How long is a typical break? What do they like to do on a break? Is there anything we should avoid doing? *
Your answer
helps to redirect your child when s/he is having a hard time? Be specific (e.g. topics). *
Your answer
What does your child do when they are bored? Excited?
Your answer
there any special vocabulary that is helpful in working with your child? If so, please describe (be specific). *
Your answer
Does your child answer to their name? *
you be willing to provide a reward when your child has a good day at the Sidekicks program (if
behavioral issues are prominent)? What is the reward? *
Your answer
there any specific worries you have around your child attending the Sidekicks program? Is there
any subject matter in the curriculum that you are concerned about or might
trigger your child? *