Hickory Ridge Elementary                      2024-2025 Bus Ridership Survey
If parents/guardians do not have an approved application by July 15, 2023 we are not able to guarantee bus transportation by the first day of school. Parents/Guardians will have to provide their own transportation to/from school until space can be obtained—this might not occur until 2-3 weeks after school has started. Please complete a form response for each new student you are enrolling at Hickory Ridge Elementary. Bus passes will be provided at open house. Parents who have enrolled in Edulog Parent Portal will receive notice when 24-25 rider information has been updated in the App.
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student ID Number  (10 digits if known) 
Grade Level (2024-2025) *
Current Classroom Teacher *
Does your child need bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year? *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
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