Register your interest in receiving the Cut Short teaching package
Cut Short: Fighting Against Knives in the North is a documentary made for schools and educators to give young people a non-judgmental, realistic insight into the causes and consequences of knife crime and youth violence.

It follows the stories of two individuals whose lives have been impacted irreversibly by knife crime; Sarah's son was murdered at 17 over a drug debt and Vilson went to prison as a teenager after using a knife in a gang altercation. They share their own experiences and speak to people with unique insight, including: an eye witness to Sarah's son's murder, a gang member disillusioned with the gang life, an ex-gang leader who used to groom new recruits into joining his gang and an ex-gang member who now helps young people stay off the streets through making music.

Alongside the film we've developed a thorough teaching package suitable for ages 12-18 to support educators through the lesson. The package contains:
  • the full documentary, plus two bonus scenes
  • suggested lesson plans
  • factsheets and regional data for teachers to better understand the subject matter
  • activities based around key scenes in the films
  • worksheets and questionnaires for students
  • advice on handling this subject matter and any safeguarding issues that may arise
  • an original audiobook from Sarah that tells the story of her son's murder through a creative approach
Please share this link with other teachers, educators, pastoral support or youth workers so more young people can benefit from the resources.
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Watch the trailer here:
What is your name? *
What is your role? *
What is the name of the organisation you represent? *
Where is your organisation based?
How would you describe your organisation? *
How do you intend on using the teaching package? *
When do you intend on first delivering the film/teaching package? *
How many young people do you estimate you/your organisation will teach using this package (and in what time frame, i.e. annually, one-off, etc)? If unsure, please write 'N/A'. *
Is there an alternate or preferred email you'd like us to share the teaching package with? If so, please fill out below.
Where did you hear about Cut Short?
After supplying the teaching package would you be happy for us to contact you via email for feedback? *
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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