2024 Westmont Cruisin' Nights & Street Fair Market Vendor Application
We are excited to announce that Westmont Special Events Corporation(WSEC) is celebrating its 20th Anniversary and planning to have the best year ever! We are starting 2024 Westmont Cruisin' Nights on Thursday, June 6, and are inviting you to sign up to participate this summer. We will have a total of 12 weeks of events.

We invite you to sign up and participate in this event that WGN-RADIO proclaimed "the best weekly summer car show in the Chicagoland area!" This event features three blocks of downtown Westmont closed down and dedicated to classic cars, music, special activities, vendors, and more!

Before completing this application, please review the entire vendor packet for all applicable rules and guidelines. Upon receiving your completed application, Westmont Special Events NFP will consider it. All applicants will be contacted regarding your approval status. WSEC will make final approvals for all vendors and products. Be sure to answer all questions on this application. If a question does not apply to you, then type in NA.
Please hit SUBMIT at the end of this form so that your responses are recorded.
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2024 Cruisin' Nights & Street Fair in Westmont, Illinois
Business Name *
Contact Name *
Business Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Email *
Provide one of the following: State Tax ID, Federal Tax ID, Social Security Number or Tax Exempt Letter *
If you wish, you can call our office with this information - 630-829-9378, but we cannot process your application until this info is submitted.
How many events do you wish to participate? *
Please check each category that applies to your products and/or services. WSEC reserves the right to limit the number of similar vendors and/or products sold at each event. *
Please check all that apply.
Do you need electricity?  (Note - If the WSEC can not meet your electricity needs, you may need to supply your own generator.  Contact the office for more info.) *
Please Select Payment Method - NO REFUNDS *
By checking the box below, I agree that I have reviewed the Westmont Street Fair & Cruisin' Nights agreement and agree to follow the guidelines and rules set therein.  Further, I acknowledge that the Westmont Special Events Corporation (WSEC) is the host agency of this event, and I agree to follow their directions at all times to ensure a well-organized, safe, and successful event.  All food vendors must be certified by the DuPage County Health Department.  ALL vendors must provide proof of insurance as outlined in the vendor packet.  If I have any questions regarding this event and/or application, I will contact the WSEC office at 630-829-9378. *
Please hit SUBMIT at the end of this form so that your application is sent.
Please feel free to add any additional comments below.  If you have further questions, please contact the Westmont Special Events office at 630-829-9378.
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