Spray Tan Matcher
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Development Time vs Life of the Tan
Spray tan's active ingredient, DHA, is a colourless sugar derivative. So that the person applying the tan can see the solution they are spraying onto the client, a water-soluble cosmetic bronzer is added to all spray tan types. Some smudging of this bronzer after the tan has been applied is possible however at the first shower, the cosmetic bronzer washes off entirely to reveal the real tan developed evenly on the skin underneath. 

While water soluble, some prefer to shower before sleeping for comfort which may require an express tan. The 8 Hour / Overnight option suits those with evening appointments who want to sleep soon after their appointment or can't shower within the express tan's development time. The pay off to the longer developing tan is that it is longer lasting - making it ideal for extended wear or travel. 

Uniquely, the overnight Tuscan tan also features a violet base, a premium, adaptable colour that eliminates any orange tones. This exclusive salon formula is especially preferred by brides for this reason.
Express Tan or 8 Hour/Overnight? *
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