Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons
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You are invited to learn not only about an overlooked mission field, but also how to apply a relational approach to witnessing using Truth in Love Ministry’s simple 5-pillar method. The upcoming Build Bridges Not Barriers event will provide a foundation on LDS beliefs and practices and abundant applications of how to engage in conversations with truth and love. Mark Parsons, the vice president of Truth in Love Ministry, brings an expert and current perspective to this conversation to equip us for witnessing.

St. Jacobi Lutheran Church
8605 W. Forest Home Avenue
Greenfield, WI  53228
Saturday, October 15 | 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Join us to hear more about this gospel outreach ministry and how you can share Christ in your community!
“To rescue souls trapped in Mormonism so they are freed to trust in Christ’s work alone.”
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