DesignUp 2022: Call For Lightning Talks
If you are a young professional here's your chance to share your work/views/stories with peers, industry leaders, influencers and new talent in a lightning talk of ten minutes. Think it through and craft your proposal. For your inspiration you can watch previous DesignUp talks here:

We look forward to your proposal.
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Email *
1. About You...
This is the part where we get to know you—the Speaker. If there's more than one presenter, you can add them right at the end!
Please enter your name *
Your LinkedIn / Twitter / Behance or Dribbble profile link *
Very briefly describe your current role *
Your location (city, country) *
Note that for 2022, all selected Speakers will get an all-access free pass but are not covered for travel or stay
I have spoken at *
Share links to your previous conference appearances (in case you speak regularly)
2. About your Talk
DesignUp talks are focused on actionable takeaways for attendees. Our talks are usually very short and focused on starting a conversation as opposed to answering every detail.
Title of your Talk *
Describe your Talk in a little more detail... *
Describe your Talk as a 140 character tweet! *
What are the top 3 takeaways from your talk? *
Have you done this Talk before? if yes, please share link/s to conferences you have presented this at
Tip: A link to the video/s of your previous talk/s helps a lot!
3. And a little more...
Have a co-presenter? This is the place to tell us more...
Will there be additional presenters? If yes, please share their details (name + email + linkedIn profile)
Anything else you would like the DesignUp team to know?
Any specific requirements or help needed?
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