ULEAD Nomination Form
The ULEAD (Urban Leaders for Equity and Diversity) Leadership Academy is a leading training academy for advocates interested in learning how to effectively navigate and positively impact the educational landscape for communities of color in New Orleans. ULEAD provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn how to engage in developing and sustaining a quality educational ecosystem in New Orleans. ULEAD engages participants by allowing them to hear from and interact with prominent individuals in the education field.  Speakers from many different facets of the education system will inform, teach and communicate with participants regarding their particular field(s) of expertise.  Participants will also commit to individualized project plans that demonstrate their active involvement in the educational arena.

Participants should be:
-Motivated to work diligently to promote positive changes in education as well as the community
-Committed to attending eight program sessions
-Interested in engagement/advocacy in the following: Advocacy, Human Capital, Governance, Policy, and Entrepreneurship
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Email *
How are you connected to ULEAD / ULLA? *
Nominee Name *
Nominee Email *
Nominee Phone Number *
Reason for nomination *
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