This form will solely serve ONLY submissions for RELEASE consideration. Please make sure that your project follows these conditions before submitting:

- Unreleased
- Soundcloud private link (no dropbox / wetransfer / drive)
- 4 tracks or more (EP/Album)
- Singles (IF APPROVED) will be used in Compilations.
- Sample free OR Sample creatively transformed

We will listen asap and contact you within 2-3 weeks if we're interested in releasing your project. If you don't hear back, feel free to submit a new project whenever you'd like!

Due to the large amount of submissions, available release dates can be after 3-6 months. If you're in a hurry, then you should consider releasing solo. Thank you for your understanding.

Please do not submit the same project twice!
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Email *
MUSIC LINK (Soundcloud Private Link) *
FULL NAME (Will be needed in case of release) *
Additional Information /// Message
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