The SundayMonday Audience Survey 2023
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How did you find the SundayMonday?
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What is your faith background?
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How frequently do you listen to the podcast?
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If you're a podcast listener, which kinds of episodes do you like? (check all the boxes that apply)
How frequently do you read the emails?
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How important is it to you that The SundayMonday be active on Instagram?
Not important at all
I miss the Instagram posts!
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Please check every box that applies to you:
My favorite thing about the SundayMonday is...
I would love to see more of _________ on the SundayMonday.
Which other faith resources do you enjoy (i.e. podcasts, newsletters, books, Catechism in a Year, the rosary, etc.)?
Anything else you'd like to share?
Please include your email to be entered in the raffle!
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