2024 Bloomsburg HS Marching Season Sponsorship

We appreciate our community's on-going support of the Bloomsburg High School Marching Band.
There are a number of ways that you can help the band financially or in non-monetary ways.

 This year, besides our usual season expenses, we are raising money to redo/ replace our current band trailer.
We welcome individual as well as business sponsors. 

Payment Options:
* Check, cash, or Venmo will be accepted.  
* Please make all checks payable to: BAHS Band Boosters.  
*VENMO- @PantherBandBoosters. (Please specify “Season Sponsorship” in your Venmo payment description and choose "Friends and Family".)
*Square- https://bloomsburg-marching-band-boosters.square.site/  (Please specify “Season Sponsorship” in your donation comments.)

Please send a digital version of your business card or the logo you use via email to BHSpanthersband@gmail.com.

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Company Name (if applicable) *
Mailing Address: *
Phone Number: *
Website or Facebook Page: *
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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