42nd and College Open House Session RSVP
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Midtown Indy looks forward to answering your questions regarding the potential rezone at 4155 and 4201 N. College Avenue. Neighbors are invited to come and go as you please to hear more about the rezoning process, learn the differences between zoning uses, and ask questions at the College Avenue Library on Tuesday, June 13 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  IMPD Deputy Chief Valerie Cunningham will be present to answer questions about the IMPD site and the new North District headquarters.

Can't make it on June 13 but still have questions? Please feel free to register for our Zoom sessions taking place on Wednesday, June 7 or Monday, June 12 from 6 - 6:45 p.m. Advance registration is required.
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Optionally, submit a question in advance.
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