New Teacher Interest Form
We are always on the lookout for extraordinary, enthusiastic, qualified instructors for all subjects and for all ages K-12+. Our instructors are hired on a PART TIME, class by class basis and considered INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS.

We give preference to teachers who demonstrate excellent teaching skills and who are passionate about their subject. All instructors must also be in agreement with our statement of faith. (Please read our Statement of Faith here: Teacher certification is not required.

Prospective instructors are asked to complete this NEW TEACHER INTEREST FORM. If we are in need of an instructor to offer a class in your field, we will contact you for an interview with our Director.

Following your interview, you will be responsible to submit A CLASS PROPOSAL FORM for EACH CLASS that that you would like to propose to teach. We begin accepting class proposals in DECEMBER for the following academic year. We must have class schedules and teachers in place in order to begin student registrations in MARCH.

If you would like to propose a CAMP or workshop, please use the Camp Proposal form. We also begin accepting summer camp proposals in DECEMBER for the following summer. We must have camp dates in place for sign ups to begin early in the spring. Camps and workshops can also take place at other times of the year, but sufficient lead time must be allowed for the approval process.

PLEASE NOTE: EE does not operate like a traditional "school".  EE does not generally assign classes to teachers or hire teachers to teach specific classes. Teachers are responsible to determine what classes/camps they want to offer/propose to teach and what curriculum they want to use. Class/camp proposals are reviewed by our curriculum committee and will be approved if they meet our program needs. Class offerings may be limited by classroom space, student needs and interests, and a variety of other factors. There is NO GUARANTEE that a proposed class/camp will be approved or added to the schedule nor that any students will sign up for your class.


Instructors are responsible for designing their courses, choosing curriculum, selecting appropriate supplemental materials and acquiring supplies. (A supply/curriculum fee will be collected from students based on the Class Proposal information.)

K-12 Core subject/credit-earning courses should be designed to meet commonly held expectations for each grade/age level. The "What Your Child Needs to Know" series of books can be helpful in determining expectations. Please keep in mind that no ultimate list exists for all skills/knowledge at all grade levels, and that our families are not generally fans of "Common Core standards."

K-12 Enrichment courses of all types are suitable for our program and may be placed on the schedule. Classes should be designed based on the instructor's experience and the interests and needs of the target age group.

Dual Credit courses and instructors must also be approved by the college or university that will be issuing the credit. We currently have agreements with Lone Star College and LeTourneau University. Instructors are responsible for getting credentialed and getting their course approved by the institution.
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Instructor Name: *
Instructor Email: *
Street Address: *
City, State, Zip: *
Primary Phone: *
Alternate Phone: *
Is your spouse in agreement with your working at Extraordinary Education? *
Please select "Other" and explain if necessary.
Education *
Please select all that apply. Please select "Other" if you wish to list other specialized training or certifications.
Degrees and Certifications *
Please list the degrees, majors and minors, and certifications you have earned.  
Teaching & Work Experience *
Please describe your teaching experience and other work experience. You may also submit a resume via GOOGLE DRIVE. (Please DO NOT send your resume by email.) Please create or upload your resume in Google Drive and then "SHARE" it with  "". Please provide at least a short summary here if you are submitting a resume.
Proposed Class Subjects/Topics & Age Groups *
Please describe the subjects/topics and age groups of classes you would like to propose to teach at Extraordinary Education.
Do you have a home church that you attend on a regular basis? *
Please select "Other" and explain if necessary.
Name of home church and a pastor or staff member who knows you. *
The pastor or staff member listed will be considered as one of your references. If you do not have a home church, please explain in the answer space.
Are you in agreement with our Statement of Faith and can you teach based on a Christian worldview? *
Please read our Statement of Faith at the link below form if you have not already done so.
If you have reservations regarding our Statement of Faith, please explain.
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? *
What do you consider to be your greatest weaknesses? *
Please describe your relationship with God at this point in your life. *
What attracts you to a position at Extraordinary Education? *
If you have children, please indicate the types of schooling that your children have experienced.
Do you have any physical handicaps or conditions which would prevent you from performing any activities relating to this position? *
Instructors may need to climb stairs to get to classrooms, help supervise students outside of class time, carry books/materials to/from classrooms, etc.
If you indicated that you have a limiting condition, please explain below.
Do you have any outstanding warrants? *
If you have indicated you have outstanding warrants, please explain.
Have you ever been convicted of child abuse or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation or a minor? *
If you have been convicted of a crime mentioned above, please explain.
How did you learn about Extraordinary Education? *
Additional Comments
Please use this space for additional comments or information you would like to share.
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