2024 New Doctoral Student Consortium (NDSC) Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in the 2024 AOM New Doctoral Student Consortium (NDSC)!

The deadline to complete this form is by 5pm ET on July 7th. If you have already completed this form, your status will be confirmed (i.e., officially accepted or waitlisted) by 5pm ET on July 14th. We extended this deadline to accommodate for as many participants as possible.

If you have not completed this form and would like to join the waitlist, please complete the following questions. Please note, by completing this form you are not guaranteed a spot in the NDSC. However, make sure to keep Friday August 9th open on your AOM schedule in case a spot opens up. We will reach out in advance if a spot becomes available.

If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Musselman at musselman@vt.edu. We hope to see you in Chicago!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Ph.D. Institution (University/College) *
Where is your university located? *
What type of University are you coming from? *
Which year did you start or will start your Ph.D program? *
Which year of your Ph.D. program will you begin in Fall 2024? *
What was your last experience prior to joining a Ph.D program? *
What level is your primary research interest? *
Pick up to three topics that best represent your primary research interest.
What is your primary AOM Division and Interest Group? *
What other AOM Division(s) and Interest Group(s) are you a member of? Check all that apply. *
What topics would you like to learn more about in the NDSC? *
Which other topics would you like to be covered at the NDSC? / Which questions would you like to have answered? *
What is the biggest concern you have regarding your doctoral studies? *
How did you find the PhD programs you applied for (e.g., Specific Forums? Advice from mentors?) *
If you are interested in joining our LinkedIn group for this year's NDSC, please provide the URL to your LinkedIn profile in the "other" option below.
Would you be interested in being added to a group messaging platform with NDSC attendees (e.g., Slack, WhatsApp)? *
How many years have you attended AOM's Annual Meeting? *
How many times have you applied and been waitlisted to NDSC in the past?
Have you been accepted in to NDSC in the past? *
Have you attended the NDSC in the past? *
Describe why you believe you should be admitted to this year's NDSC. *
Can you commit to in-person participation for the entire NDSC? The NDSC is held all day on Friday, August 9th from 8:00am-5:30pm CST in the Fairmont Rouge Room Lobby Level (1st Floor). *
Do you have any dietary restrictions and/or food allergies (e.g. eggs, dairy, nut, etc.)? If so, please list below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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