Request to Speak at a Women's Advocacy Voice of Edmonton (WAVE) Committee Meeting
WAVE is committed to advancing the status of all women in Edmonton and the quality of life for Edmontonians. WAVE aims to be well informed by engaging with their communities. There are many ways that WAVE stays connected to the community they serve, and one way is by having community members and groups present at WAVE Committee meetings. WAVE meets the third Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm. The meetings are currently being held online via google meet.

WAVE receives multiple requests to speak and this application will be used to help determine if this request can be scheduled at future WAVE meeting.

The mandate of the WAVE Committee is to:

1) Make recommendations to Council about women’s gender based issues and opportunities in relation to Council policies, priorities and decisions;

2) Promote leadership development to empower Edmonton women to fully participate in civic life;

3) Research and provide information and resources about women’s gender based issues and opportunities in Edmonton.
Email *
Name of Organization *
Name of Speaker(s) and/or contact person *
Website if applicable *
1. Which description best describes you or your organization? *
2. Why are you interested in presenting to WAVE? *
3. The three mandates of WAVE are identified at the top of the page. Please identify which mandate most closely aligns with your request to speak and why. *
4. If there is one short-take away message that the WAVE Committee will get from your presentation, what will it be? *
5. Is your presentation request time sensitive? Please explain if you have a specific deadline. *
6.  Were you referred by someone to present? *
7, Have you or your group presented to WAVE before? If yes, when? *
8.  If we are unable to accommodate your request to speak, can you share information electronically or another way? *
9. Is there any additional information you would like to share?
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