CDTP Application
Thank you for your interest in joining Travel Unity's Certified DEI Travel Professional (CDTP) program!

CDTP is appropriate for travel professionals in leadership roles in the travel industry.

It is centered around TU's DEI Standards for Travel & Tourism -

To provide for deeper interaction with the facilitators and other participants, each cohort has a limited number of participants.


CDTP participants must either

1) be a CEO (or equivalent) of a travel industry organization


2) submit a message of endorsement on organizational letterhead from the CEO (or equivalent) of a travel industry organization stating that the organization will be utilizing the participant’s comprehensive DEI plan to help the organization align with Travel Unity’s DEI Standards for Travel & Tourism.


CDTP consists of 

a) Two live sessions (in-person or virtually) 
b) Video content (DEI 100, Stakeholder Engagement, and Sustainability)
c) Final recorded presentation
d) Creating a Comprehensive DEI Plan that is vetted and approved by Travel Unity


The next CDTP course is in November 2024 and will be facilitated by Ami Shah & Roni Weiss.

Session dates:
  • Friday, November 1 - 12 - 3pm EST
  • Friday, November 8 - 12 - 3pm EST
April 2024 CDTP Course Fee: 
  • Travel Unity Alliance member pricing – $799
  • Member of Alliance member – $899
  • Non-member – $999

Please note that different levels of Alliance members receive specific amounts of TUIC course seats as part of their membership.

Consult the Alliance member deck or email us with any questions -


Questions? Email 
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Participants in the CDTP program need to EITHER 1) be a CEO (or equivalent) of a visitor-facing organization OR 2) submit a letter from a CEO of a visitor-facing organization on organizational letterhead stating that the participant's Comprehensive DEI Plan will be used by the organization *
Where are you located? *
Where do you work? *
What is your role? *
Are you or your organization members of the Travel Unity Alliance? *
Please provide information about your professional career (feel free to copy/paste a bio or a link). *
How does your organization currently approach matters around DEI? *
(For those who are not currently in a professional role, please answer questions based on your prior position.)
Why do you care about DEI, personally and/or professionally? *
DEI = Diversity, equity, and inclusion
What specific topics around DEI would you like to learn more about? *
Can you attend both live, virtual sessions in April? *
Tues April 2 and Tues April 9, 1-4 PM ET
Can you commit to watching CDTP course videos and completing appropriate quizzes and surveys? *
Do you have any accessibility needs we should know about?
(Accessibility needs won't preclude you. It will help us arrange for appropriate accommodations)
How did you find out about Travel Unity? *
Is there anything else should we know about you?
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