Volunteer Interest
The Community Grocery Cooperative, LCA is an emerging consumer-owned food cooperative East of the Anacostia River that will provide quality, affordable food, locally-made products and create living-wage jobs. We are committed to embodying the seven cooperative principles and values while creating a community-owned store. Our mission is to advocate for food justice and economic empowerment for the residents of Ward 7 and Ward 8 impacted by the known food desert.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
Ward you live in? *
What area in the co-op you feel would be a good match for you to contribute in?
(Check all that apply below)
Business Development Committee
Community Outreach Committee
MY EXPERTISE:  Please let us know what field of expertise you may be able to support the Co-Op in, as needed.  {If Selection is Not Provided Above}
TIME: Approximately how much time would you be willing to contribute as a volunteer on a as needed basis?
What are the best days and times to connect with you? *
What is your preferred form of contact? *
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