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Application for a grant from Skemp fund
Please fill in this google form as your application for Skemp Fund.
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* Indicates required question
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1. Name
Your answer
2. Nationality
Your answer
3. Institution
Your answer
4. Email address
Your answer
5. Current position
Your answer
6. Number of years in current position
Your answer
7. Please indicate if your are a Master's student.
Bachelor or Master student
Doctoral student
Post-doctoral student
8. Mathematics Education involvement
Your answer
9. Additional motivation
Your answer
10. Please state the reference of your submission (e.g., RR212, OC403)
Your answer
11. Have you attended previous PME Conference(s)?
If yes, please state the year(s).
Your answer
12. Have you ever benefited from Skemp Fund? If yes, please state the year.
Your answer
13. After having read the Skemp criteria please state what it is about your circumstances that you feel makes you eligible for this grant
Your answer
14. Please provide an estimated budget (in €) for the travel expenses for attending the conference.
Your answer
15. Please provide an estimated budget (in €) for lodging while attending the conference.
Your answer
16. Declaration of correctness
I confirm that information provided in this form are correct.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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