Application for a grant from Skemp fund
Please fill in this google form as your application for Skemp Fund.
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Email *
1. Name *
2. Nationality  *
3. Institution  *
4. Email address *
5. Current position  *
6. Number of years in current position  *
7. Please indicate if your are a Master's student. *
8. Mathematics Education involvement *
9. Additional motivation
10. Please state the reference of your submission (e.g., RR212, OC403) *
11. Have you attended previous PME Conference(s)?
If yes, please state the year(s). 
12. Have you ever benefited from Skemp Fund? If yes, please state the year. *
13. After having read the Skemp criteria please state what it is about your circumstances that you feel makes you eligible for this grant *
14. Please provide an estimated budget (in €) for the travel expenses  for attending the conference. *
15. Please provide an estimated budget (in €) for lodging while attending the conference. *
16. Declaration of correctness *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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