5 Days of Free Romance (KU newsletter promo)
Thank you for your interest in this free promotion.


Here's how it works.

Five of us agree to make a book free across all Amazon sites (ie *Free book promotion* NOT *Kindle Countdown Deal* since that only makes the book free in the UK and USA).

For 5 days, you will send out a newsletter. Each day that newsletter will feature one thing and one thing only: one of the 5 free books.

The dates will be in mid-November to early-December—specific dates TO BE DETERMINED by agreement of the participating authors.

Author A's book gets sent out by all 5 people on day 1.
Author B's book gets sent out by all 5 people on day 2

And so on until all 5 authors have had their books sent out.

I would advise having your book for free the day before and after your featured day, but that is not required. You do need to have it free on whatever day you are assigned/choose out of the 5 days.

1) This is a retailer freebie, not a BookFunnel or other newsletter magnet freebie. Your book must be free on Amazon. Hitting a high rank increases organic visibility for your books.

2) You must write steamy (4 hot peppers) and light or rom-com. The promo works best with a unified sub-genre.

3) You must have an *active* newsletter list of at least 3,000.

4) Your featured/free book should have a minimum of a 4.1 average rating on Amazon.com.

5) You should have at least 4 books in your backlist. We're trying to generate sell-through and that only works if you have books to send the reader to.

6) You MUST send 5 newsletters in a row that have only one link and that is to the book that is that day's freebie. If you normally send a weekly newsletter (I do), you'll have to send a separate email with just the freebie in addition to your normal weekly newsletter. You might think your subscribers won't like this but all of the authors that participated in the last effort said unsubscribes and spam complaints were on par with regular newsletter sends.

7) Social media posts are optional. We will create a Google Drive asset folder so we can all access each other's covers and images. It's helpful if you create an image we can share in our newsletter, on IG and FB!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Author name *
Author email *
is the title you want to promote in KU or not? *
Do you agree to send one newsletter every day for a week during the promo? *
Amazon link to the book you'd like to enter in the promo *
Is this title a rom-com or light, contemporary romance? *
Is this a Christmas-themed book? *
What's your level of steam on a hot pepper scale of 1 (fade to black) to 5 (50 Shades and beyond)? *
What's the size of your ACTIVE mailing list - ie the number of people who opened or engaged with your emails as of the last mailing? *
Do you post to any socials? If so, indicate where you'll cross promote your free day—and others' free book days. *
Questions or concerns? Email danika@danikabloom.com
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