Custom Quote Request
Thank you for considering Michael's Event Catering for your special occasion.  We look forward to working alongside you on creating an unforgettable event! Please fill out this quote form to get started.
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Email *
Name: *
First and Last
Significant other’s First and Last *
Billing Address- street *
Please provide your Street Address
Billing Address -city, state, zipcode *
Please provide City, State, & Zip code
Phone: *
Please provide a phone number for a quicker response, in case we need more information.
Date of Event *
Start Time of Event *
Event Location *
Venue Name and/or Address, City, State, Zipcode
We primarily serve the tri-state area (NY, PA, DE, NY) and are always welcome to travel elsewhere.
Type of Event: *
Have you already been in contact with one of our Sales Reps?
How did you hear about us?
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